Friday, January 22, 2010

2010: Endings and New Beginnings


It's been quite a while since my last post. There have been many changes over the last few months; some good, some not so good...

In December I decided to close the boutique in Portsmouth after Christmas. As much as I enjoyed Olde Towne and owning an awesome boutique, after a year and a half it was time to move on. I received a lot of love and support, but it just wasn't enough to keep up with the high cost of maintaining a storefront. Eklectik Funk items will still be available online and at select boutiques. I'll also be vending at various events and doing lots of parties and trunk shows :~)

Now that the boutique is closed and I have more time at home it's been quite an adjustment. I've worked from home before, but that was when Grandma Lillian was with us and I had a lot more responsibility. This time around I have been able to enjoy it more and take advantage of the freedom. It's great being able to work on orders while cooking dinner, be at home when my daughter gets home from school, and write this blog while wearing my PJs :~) I will be back in the work-force some time soon so that there can be another "steady" income in the house, but for now I'll enjoy this while it lasts!